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Free Motivational Quote Printable – Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying

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For as long as I can remember I have always magnified and over analyzed every mistake I make while not giving myself any credit when something goes well. But will I be where I am today without making a bunch of mistakes – NO. Do I have a lot of work to do in order to change my attitude towards making mistakes – YES. I am not claiming to be super successful at anything but I am so grateful for the fact that I am self-employed and run a small business.

No matter where you are in life right now and where you want to go in the future personally or professionally, please remember that mistakes are a very important part of the journey. We don’t make mistakes deliberately but when they do happen it’s important to learn from those mistakes and be better at trying in the next attempt.

I hope this printable will help you remind yourself everyday that mistakes are proof that you are trying! Put it up in a place where you can see it everyday and motivate yourself to work towards your goals.

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The download comes as a PDF and prints on a letter sized page. The design size is 8″ x 10″ so you can trim the print out and fit it into the frame. Print the design on this white cardstock for best results using your home printer. Or feel free to use a professional printing service like Staples, Walgreens or Office Depot. Planning to frame the print? Then you can use a frame like this one.

Free Motivational Quote Printable - Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying - Pinterest Image

Download the Motivational Quote Printable here.

Please note that this printable is for PERSONAL USE only. Read our full license terms here.

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The Design Hippo Team

The Design Hippo is your go-to crew of design enthusiasts here to share inspiration, trends, and easy tips to help you create a home you'll love – where comfort meets style!

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